After – Modern and ranking well on Google

Modern, responsive, easy to update and full of great images. We are very happy with this website redesign for 1st Hinchley Wood Scouts.
Before – Outdated and unmanageable

The 1st Hinchley Wood Scout Group website was out of date and due to its hosting unable to be updated. Prospective members had commented on how unappealing it was. There were numerous errors and broken widgets on the site that no-one was able to fix. By working with the leaders we were able to overhaul the site and make it mobile ready. The site has been successful bringing in new volunteers for the group, as well as through modernising the groups most significant money raising project. Each section is now empowered to keep it’s details up to date, which can be done very easily using the WordPress back end. The group have an overall website lead, but each section has a log in which has meant that the site is constantly updated.